Namaste Yogis & Yoginis
Here we are at the end of autumn and the beginning of the winter. The evenings are drawing in and days are becoming shorter. Our warm and cosy studio has been a buzzing hub for Yoga enthusiast near and far this month…such joy xx
This time of year often speeds up as we are preparing for the festive season, but the natural earth energy is to slow down, and our bodies want to do the same…this often causes conflict with our natural rhythm and can leave us prone to feeling run down and receptive to coughs and colds. So knowing this let’s take the time this month to connect with the root energy and internalize the creative life force that sustains us. Adjusting to this season is a wonderful process where we give ourselves permission to slow down, to go inside and listen to the part of us that is longing to be heard, it’s the quiet whispers that are the most important.
This part of us doesn’t speak when we speak; it speaks only when we are silent and listen…this will allow us to reveal new possibilities, a new power to life. Relax, breathe and connect on your mat this month, let your Yoga be the compass that takes you home to the quiet place inside, where you will re-charge and become inspired in your Yoga and in your life.
Support yourself with a healthy diet, fresh air and great friends…xx
Inspiring and growing together in Yoga
Deep love Wenche & the Yoga Life team xx