Namaste Yoga Lovers,
The season is changing now and we are going towards a time of year that is inviting us to slow down, to restore balance within our lives integrating all that we have achieved. It is a time of tending the sacred fire with in our hearts, getting in touch with our inner power & strength, reconnecting to the inner Guru, which is not separated from you; it is you. It is the sacred power that guides us on the spiritual path and in Yoga.
Often we looses this connection with the inner guiding system and can get trapped or lost in our mind, rather then dwelling in the beautiful Heart Temple which allows us to live in a loving compassionate world.
Jimy Henrix put it so beautiful to us when he said: ‘When the power of Love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know Peace’.
Our Yoga practice can be the compass that takes us home to this space where love melts away the Ego mind and we can know deep Peace…only when we know this we can live it and radiate it, and only then…feeling truly alive totally free.
See you on the Yoga mat sharing our passion for Yoga, exploring our inner sanctuary taking our body to a deeper practice in a healthy way…following our inner currant experiencing pleasure in body, mind and heart…every cell in our body smiling…yay..
Be so Loving that other people feel Love when they are with you…
Love in all directions
Wenche xx