Here is a little testimony from our regular yogis Ellie and Keith who found the online classes to be a really important part of their week:
‘During this difficult time of lockdown due to Covid 19 I was very concerned that I could no longer access yoga classes that are vital for my physical and mental well being. They have been an important part of my life and my partners for the past 7 years.
We are both in our 70’s with a variety of mobility issues, that have improved immensely by attending regular yoga classes 4 times a week.
Thankfully Eva Kristlova, the amazing Manager and Teacher at the Yoga Life Studio, has managed to find a way of overcoming the negative effect of lockdown by setting up online classes enabling various teachers to continue supporting their students throughout the most challenging times.
Once we mastered the technical aspects of setting up the classes via the internet it has proved to be a lifesaver and we have been able to continue our Yoga classes at home, as well as keeping in touch with our yogi friends.
Without these online classes I have no idea how we would have coped physically and mentally as it is an important part of our weekly routine. There are many classes available to suit all different levels of experience and ability and we enjoy exploring them all.’
Ellie & Keith