Boat Posture (Navasana), Asana of the Month – May

This posture strengthens the abdominals and lower back, and stimulates the visceral organs – in particular the intestines.

1. Begin in sitting ready pose. Inhaling, lean back and lift your legs in front of you, keeping your feet together, toes pointed and legs straight. Bring your arms parallel to the floor, palms facing each other. Extend through your fingers, lift your chest and roll your shoulders back. Look at your toes. Hold for five full breaths.

2. Inhaling, place your hands flat on the floor, on either side of your hips with the fingers pointing forward. Exhaling, cross your legs at the ankles and bring your knees toward your chest. Pushing down through your hands, draw in your abdomen, shorten your torso and lift your hands, draw in your abdomen, shorten your torso and lift your body off the floor. Inhaling lower your body to the floor and return to position 1. Repeat this exercise three to five times.


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