Yoga Life welcomes you.
We are based in central Eastbourne, East Sussex. We provide a wonderful location and an outstanding range of classes for yoga enthusiasts of all standards. Our studio, the beating heart of Yoga Life in Eastbourne, is also home to reiki, massage, Tai Chi, pilates and even drumming classes with more sessions being added regularly.
See our timetable for the latest information and special events for what’s coming up.
And don’t forget to look at out yoga retreats website for details of a truly unique get away.

The caption under your photo is right, what a wonderful yoga studio, if I was a little closer I would come and have a look, I wish you luck with “The beating heart of yoga life” in Eastbourne, namaste.
Your studio is very beautiful and the predominance of red indicates an energy relevance in your activitites: yoga is also relaxing yes but full of energy.
My experience come from shiatsu and feng shui, and i’ve realized, in this last year how much the harmony and the equilibrium is essential in the everyday life, not only as body, but also mind too.
I’m happy that in Eastbourne there’s a centre like yours, because people really need places where to cultivate such important things, like, peace, harmony and awareness of the whole body soul.
I’m too far from you, but i hope some day to came there to visit your yoga center.