Welcome To Yoga Life Studio
Unique and exclusive workshops as well as courses available during the week and weekends.
Our aim is to create a friendly space where everyone can enjoy their own practice in a safe and calm environment. Our friendly Yoga classes focus on removing stress, restoring balance and harmony in body, mind and spirit. The Yoga classes on offer involve practising traditional asanas, as well as combining breath awareness excerises with relaxation and meditation.
You can find our studio in the Little Chelsea area of Eastbourne.
Our address is: The Stables, 25 South Street, Eastbourne, BN21 4UP
Select a day on the calendar below to view the classes for that day.
Our Online Store
Visit Our Online Store
Our online store has a range of classes, workshops, vouchers and yoga tops.
Our range is continually growing so be sure to have a look periodically.
Travelling Yogini
I have now been back in the UK for a couple of weeks after some epic Yoga travels from the end of last year and started this year in Egypt then travelled to India and Sri Lanka. I have met amazing people from all over the world, dived into culture and embarked on a...
Posture of the month – Downward Facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward dog pose Body position/posture type: Inversion Technique: Sit onto your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you in extended child’s pose. Spread the fingers, middle finger pointing forward, and connect with the earth. Come...
Seasons Greetings Yoga Family
Namaste Friends & Seasons Greetings, So here we are again, the wheel is turning and we have celebrated Winter Solstice and the return of the sun. It is the time of year to reflect and celebrate life, friends and family, past and present. As I reflect on my own...
New Yoga Teachers qualified!!
Greetings from magical Egypt where we have completed the final integration week of the Yoga Life Teacher Training Programme. A powerful week where we immersed ourselves in living breathing yoga. Our eco camp, located by the edge of the desert where it meets the...
Namaste Yoga Lovers
Namaste Friends, Wherever you lay your mat is where your home is, as your home is within you, within you sacred heart temple. Here we meet our self truly as we are away from the ego mind allowing us to connect with the radiance of love that is our true nature. When...
Posture of the Month – Padmasana (Full Lotus)
Try this beautiful traditional and deeply meditative posture. This is an advanced asana so please practice with care, listening to your bodies, being kind and loving to yourself in the process! Half lotus might be a better option for some. Posture type: Seated floor...
Autumn Yogi
Namaste Yoga Lovers, The season is changing now and we are going towards a time of year that is inviting us to slow down, to restore balance within our lives integrating all that we have achieved. It is a time of tending the sacred fire with in our hearts, getting in...
Posture of the month – Anjaneysana (Crescent moon)
A wonderful posture to practice not only in October but all year round, one of our favourites! Enjoy this deep back bend, open your heart and receive all the benefits that yoga and the Crescent Moon have to offer you! Posture type: Back bend Technique: Start in a...
Living Yoga home and away
Namaste Friends, Greetings from Tobago which is an extraordinary unique eco-destination. It is the most southerly Island in the Caribbean and a popular destination for our adventurous Yoga lovers. We have an amazing group here with nationalities such as Finish,...