Namaste Friends & Seasons Greetings,
So here we are again, the wheel is turning and we have celebrated Winter Solstice and the return of the sun. It is the time of year to reflect and celebrate life, friends and family, past and present.
As I reflect on my own personal journey this year I realize there is a lot to digest. The events, people and feelings I have encountered and shared has made me stronger, more compassionate and loving, helping to see myself and others more clearly.
As we all take time to reflect we become wiser and more aware of what we need to change and what works for us. We can find a different way of living in the world, creating more balance and joy in our lives.
A few years ago in India a Yogi asked me: “What is Yoga”?…I became uncertain of the answer as I felt the question was big and complicated…he kept looking intensely at me with eyes that could see my Soul. I knew he could see my complicated mind trying to find an answer…then he just smiled the most compassionate smile reassuring me of the simplicity of Yoga…he told me “Yoga is being happy”…really???…was it that simple?…but as I started to practice being happy I realized very quickly that this was not always easy as we are conditioned in so many ways…after some time of deep contemplation on my mat my longing for the ultimate happiness became stronger and I questioned myself; how happy could I really be? I soon realized that to be happy you need to know yourself, to make choices that affect your life in a positive way and you need to be brave…sounds simple, but it’s a journey that is not always easy, but the practice of Yoga is the support and guidance along the way.
So I have often asked the Yoga students this year: “What is Yoga”?…and I have seen the confusion in their mind just like I had experienced…
Yoga is being happy, to feel good and embrace the pleasures of life. Pleasure is said to be the very exquisiteness of living. When we give ourself permission to feel good a love so strong flows in our hearts, light comes into our eyes and joy in our steps; our mind becomes clear and focused. The ancient practice of Yoga offers us the opportunity to come home, to yolk, to meet the One that is not separate from us. This is often referred to as the sacred union of Shiva and Shakti where the lover and beloved meet in complete Oneness, experience love and compassion greater then we can imagine changing our lives profoundly…experiencing your joy.
Take time out this season to reflect and digest…give yourself the rest you deserve so that you can enter a New Year with the learning from the old. Let’s move beyond just practicing yoga on the mat, move away from the ego and become a part of the bigger consciousness which is our yoga. Sit through the pain and fear and become clear about what stops you from living in collective consciousness, in union in joy…this is the only way to progress personally and collectively creating a better life for ourselves and a world to live in, living yoga happy, alive and vibrant.
Thank you to all of the wonderful souls we have had the pleasure of sharing Yoga with this year in our beloved Yoga Studio and world wide. Infinite gratitude and love for all the support of our beautiful Yoga family, this collective Yoga community would not exist without you. Take a moment and feel gratitude for each other and what we have shared this year…allow it to fuel your Soul and enlighten your Spirit…and laugh out laud with radiant joy…you will feel amazing xx
I look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year ready for all the good and abundance that awaits us!
Have a peaceful Holiday Season and may all your dreams come true for 2015
Keep fuelling your Sacred Heart Fire
Love, joy & laughter in all directions
Wenche xxx