I have now been back in the UK for a couple of weeks after some epic Yoga travels from the end of last year and started this year in Egypt then travelled to India and Sri Lanka.
I have met amazing people from all over the world, dived into culture and embarked on a journey that is taking me deeper and beyond my imagination, personally and in my love for sharing Yoga.
Life is full of gifts we just have to open to receiving them when they are presented to us, and Yoga has though me this. Never be afraid to open your self to the magic of love, joy and living fully…
I often get asked what my favourite place is and it’s proving more and more difficult to have just one favourite place. I feel at home wherever I am. A wonderful student friend said to me: “your home is wherever you lay your mat right” ?..and it’s so true.
Over the past years I have had the pure pleasure of living breathing Yoga and I love sharing my adventures…maybe I will see you on one of these Yoga adventures this year?