Embodiment Workshop

Event Details

Embodiment workshop with James Gibson

 Saturday 13th July, 2pm – 4pm


This workshop is an insightful, supportive and playful dive into Embodiment, as a means of knowing yourself better and learning practical and effective techniques for increased awareness and personal change.

Whether you are an experienced yogi or teacher, or just want to learn more about yourself, this will give you a deeper and richer experience of your own Embodiment.

In the session I will introduce the fundamentals of Embodiment, and provide a guided space to explore them together in a small group setting.

  • How to resource and regulate yourself (why relationship is everything)
  • The core Embodiment techniques and why they are so effective
  • Using Embodiment to release blocks and stress and tap into vitality and flow
  • How to work gently with trauma awareness and release
  • Why your current training or practice might not be good for you (even though you love it!)


About James: 

I am a Coach, Therapist and Group facilitator who works with psyche, body and soul to support others in finding awareness, purpose, truth and fulfilment.

I have been studying what it means to be human for almost three decades, through various wisdom traditions, living in traditional cultures, and training in numerous therapeutic modalities and physical disciplines (yoga, Tai Chi and Ba Gua, boxing, climbing, etc).

For more info you can contact James on:






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