Half Day Retreat, 1-5pm
The Yoga Life Studio. South Street, Eastbourne
5 July 2025
Are you longing for a True, more meaningful life?
One that is lived from the Heart, rooted deeply in the body and recognises your soul calling?
Do you long to feel whole, joyful, fulfilled and deeply at rest in yourself?
A nourishing afternoon offering the opportunity to directly experience your Self as Love, embodying Presence, truly inhabiting the body to experience pure feeling, embracing our wholeness and humanity through the gift of the body.
Meditation – Partner work – Movement – Stillness – Sharing – Deep Rest
At this great turning point in time, we are being called to come Home to the Real, to Pure Love, and the embodiment of that Love, which will guide us through the chaos that is inevitable at the end of the Kali Yuga. True stability, security and peace lies within, not in the unstable structures we have created. As the world shifts, wars erupt and many systems break down, we must find our stability in our True Nature, allowing the power and light of Love to infuse the Sacred Temple of the body for our homecoming.
This is Real-Life-Holy Communion, a return to w(holi)ness through the union of the opposite essences within us. Bring a journal, pen and an open heart.
Tickets: £45 events.humanitix.com/