Living Yoga with Wenche Beard

Event Details

Living Yoga with Wenche Beard

I am super excited to be back in Eastbourne and at the Yoga Life studio to share this beautiful workshop with you all.

Journeying into the Heart Through Yoga

Sunday 30th of June 1pm-4pm

In the midst of modern life, it’s easy to get swept away by the currents of external demands and expectations. Yet, amidst the distractions, lies a sanctuary of inner strength waiting to be discovered – the heart.

Living in your heart isn’t about being soft or weak; it’s about finding the courage to embrace vulnerability and authenticity. It takes immense strength to peel back the layers of protection and allow your heart to guide you through life’s labyrinth.

Yoga offers a sacred path to access the depths of the heart and each time you step onto your mat, you are invited to cultivate strength, not just of the body, but of the mind and spirit.

As you flow through your practice in this workshop you will pay attention to the moments when your heart whispers to you. It might be a sensation of openness in the chest during a heart-opening pose or a sense of peace that washes over you in meditation. These are the gateways to the heart, inviting you to step inside and explore its vast expanses.

When you allow your heart to be the compass that navigates you through life, you tap into an infinite wellspring of wisdom and intuition. Your heart knows the way even when the mind is clouded by doubt or fear. Trust in its guidance, and you will find yourself moving with purpose and clarity.

Embracing the path of the heart requires courage – the courage to be true to yourself, the courage to follow your dreams, and the courage to love fiercely and unconditionally. It’s not always an easy journey, but it is a journey worth taking.

Step onto your mat and let’s deepen our journey through this ‘juicy’ slow flow into freedom and deep joy 🧘

Investment £45

To book contact:

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