Scaravelli Inspired Yoga with Louise Neter
Tuesdays at 6.00 – 7.00pm
‘Yoga is an effortless dance with Breath and Gravity’
Vanda Scaravelli
In this new yoga class Louise takes her inspiration from the revolutionary work of Vanda Scaravelli who explored a new and profound way of moving that guides you through a beautiful journey of waves and spirals, which encourages a slow and safe release of tension, creating space in the spine all in a mindful and meditative way. It is a never-ending, continuous exploration of the miracle that is our body.
Investment: £12 per session or £40 for 4 sessions to use as and when…..
Time:5.45-7.00pm every Tuesday apart from the first Tuesday of the month.
This is a gentle yet demanding form of Hatha yoga is subtle yet strong, and works with the flow of the breath and the pull of gravity to allow the spine to unfold like a wave, allowing the uninhibited opening and energising of the whole body.
Scaravelli inspired yoga is a stress-free yoga that benefits everyone. Classes are suitable for all ages and all levels (from beginners to those who have many years of experience). Regardless of your level of fitness, you will discover a longer, stronger and more flexible spine, a calmer mind, and begin to enjoy increased energy and ease of movement.
Short biography of teacher:
For the last ten years I have studied and experienced first-hand transformative change. This time of study with this change has brought me home to who I truly am. Back to connecting with Nature and the The Natural Rhythms of Life. I am inspired to share the Well Being tools of my training with others to support transformative change with kindness and understanding.
For me, I continue along the Well Being Path. Sometimes I stumble, sometimes my head is held high, and my arms swing lightly by my sides. There has been no fixing, no changing. No getting things right.
What there has been…. Is a growing awareness of being damaged but not broken. Of picking up tools for Self Care and along the way deeply listening to the stories my body has held on to.
My time of study with the Shiatsu College Hastings, with my tutor Annie Cryar has led me to become a Shiatsu Practitioner and a Scaravelli Inspired Yoga Teacher.