Yoga Trapeze

Event Details

This event is running from 8 January 2022 until 8 November 2025. It is next occurring on Saturday, September 21, 2024 12:00 pm

  • Venue: Yoga Life Studio @ The Stables
  • Categories: , ,
  • Upcoming Dates:

Yoga Trapeze is a fun and effective way to build strength, flexibility, balance and stamina, combined with inverted poses in a unique anti gravity class. Using both the ground and the support of a suspended material sling with suspension.
The inversion postures can create traction helping to decompress the spine as well as building strength in the back and supporting muscles.
Why not come along to try it out, have some fun upside down and add another dimension to your yoga practice.
This class will include :-
– Safety while practising Yoga Trapeze
– How to use the equipment correctly
– The structure of a Yoga Trapeze class
– Warm up, strength, stretching, inversion, cool down and relaxation postures
– The benefits of an anti gravity class
– Time for pictures at the end
£20 per person – Maximum 8 people (2 per trapeze)
Email to book your space
1-2-1 and bespoke classes also available.


Date Ticket Price Quantity
New Ticket £20.00 Reserved
New Ticket £20.00 Reserved
New Ticket £20.00 Reserved
New Ticket £20.00 Reserved

2 thoughts on “Yoga Trapeze”

  1. Hi, I’d love to try Yoga trapeze but all upcoming taster sessions seem to be booked out. Are there any other classes or ways of trying this class?.

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